Some cars may have staggered or uneven lifting points, and many trucks might have kicked frame rails, this can sometimes make lifting your vehicle with a QuickJack challenging. The Cross beam Adapter Set can give your QuickJack some of the capabilities of a two-post lift by allowing you to position contact pads directly under even the most staggered lifting points around. Though you can easily and safely lift your car with your QuickJack placed sideways, it may obstruct your undercarriage, which can make some maintenance difficult or impossible to perform. The Crossbeam Adapter Set can reach all of your recommended lifting points while leaving your undercarriage completely free!
This set comes with the crossbeam adapter, two easy-slide adapter pads and two extended-length rear contact pads to match the additional height of the crossbeam. With everything you need to adapt your QuickJack to meet any situation, this set will quickly become one of the most important accessories in your garage!
What’s the difference between the Cross Beam Adapter for the BL-5000 series vs. the BL-7000 series?
The only difference between the two versions is the height of the lift adapter pads. Since the BL-7000 series lifting trays are slightly deeper than the BL-5000 series trays, we made the lift adapters slightly taller to accommodate. All other specifications are exactly the same.
Features Crossbeam Adapter
- Reaches difficult lifting points front to rear
- Adjustable lifting pads
- Additional 4.75” clearance height
- Comes with custom contact pads
- Unobstructed undercarriage
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